Ultrasonic Sensor
DistanceSensor work in progress
Work in progress
Design of the echo pulse to voltage converter for the distance sensor.
Robo interface in action
FTDemo program as test...
Close up of the work in progress ;-)
Ubersicht of the WIP
Ultra Sonic sensor at work...
Proto Type of the Print and Sonar
proto type boxed
Distance Sensor PCB bottom. Final version 20 aug 2006
Distance Sensor PCB SilkScreen. Final version 20 aug 2006
Distance Sensor PCB top. Final version 20 aug 2006
Work in Progress, project is now in production stadium ;-)
All items of the project!
Ultraschall-Entfernungsmesser R. Budding (NL)
Ultraschall-Entfernungsmesser R. Budding (NL)
Ultraschall-Entfernungsmesser R. Budding (NL)
Ultraschall-Entfernungsmesser R. Budding (NL)
Ultraschall-Entfernungsmesser R. Budding (NL)
Production picture, back from coating
SRF05 sensor connected the the standard PCB
SRF05 wired; the best way to do it....
SRF05 in action...
Ultraschall Sensor
Ultraschall Sensor
Ultraschall Sensor
;-) TX controller comptable
Close up
From the top...