
ftComputing : Programme für die fischertechnik-Interfaces und -konstruktionskästen


TeachIn with Industry Robots : easy

Nice, complicated and large program you will some on this site, but this is a simple one. It works like a greater one and is easy to do. This is a Visual Basic version : step by step.




  1. What you need for it  :
    + Visual Basic 6.
    + An fischertechnik Industry Robot : Rob3 or Rob4.
    + An fischertechnik interface (parallel (universal) or serial (Intelligent))
    + An simple analogous  JoyStick with X- and Y-Axis and four buttons.
    or alternatively use mouse and num. keyboard.
    + The FishFa50.OCX.
  2. Starting the VB6 Project
    + A new standard project with a simple form
    + Mark FishFace Control 5.0 (FishFa50.OCX) in project | components. If you can't find it : click to search an mark it in the file list (should be in \Windows\System bzw. \WinNT\System32).
    + place the controls FishFace and FishJoy / FishKey on the form and neme them ft and  jy /ky.
    + In addition some more buttons and labels are requested, look for tips later on.
  3. Global data
    Option Explicit
    Dim PortName$
    Dim Takte(1 To 100, 1 To 4) As Long, TaktAnz&
    The array Takte (steps) contains the robot positions noted during the teachin. TaktAnz = number of steps
  4. Initialize
    Private Sub Form_Load()
    With ft.MotCntl
    .Name(1) = "Säule"
    .EndPosition(1) = 240
    .Name(2) = "ArmHorizontal"
    .EndPosition(2) = 140
    .Name(3) = "ArmVertikal"
    .EndPosition(3) = 112
    .Name(4) = "Greifer"
    .EndPosition(4) = 26
    End With
    End Sub
    The object ft.MotCntl (part of FishFa50) contains a compressed description of the robot. Only the entries are listed which are not default. That are Name of the robot component, number of impulses the component can move off from the end switch (noted are the values for Rob3). The end switches are 1, 3, 5, 7 and the impulse switches are 2, 4, 6, 8, the motors are 1 - 4. The motors should be connect in a manner to run to the end switch if clicke on L on the InterfacePanel (ft.ShowPanel or stand alone program). TaktClear sets the array Takte to their start values.
  5. Starting the Interface
    Done with button cmdAction (Caption : START) place it on the form. cmdAction_Click :
    If ft.OpenInterface("COM1") = ftifehler Then
    MsgBox "Interface-Problem", vbCritical + vbOKOnly,_ App.ProductName
    Exit Sub
    End If
    Connection to the interface ("COM1" change it if there is an other). If OpenInterface fails sub is exited with a message.
    From here only the joystick version is described, the keyboard version is nearly the same. Both versions are to be found with the FishFa50 samples.
  6. Conneting the JoyStick
    Set jy.FishFaceControl = ft
    Connects the base control ft (FishFace) and the joystick control jy (FishJoy). Operating the joystick will drive the robot (one component each time).
  7. Drive to Home position
    That means all components of the robot will go simultaneously to there appropriate end switch.
  8. Activate the joystick
    Starts an internal timer which polls (ft.ControlInterval) the joystick positions. Motors are started  and stopped in accordance to the joystick position.
  9. Preserving of robot positions
    Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
    End Sub
    A new buton Speichern (Store : cmdAdd_Click) add the actual position to the array Takte on position TaktAnz (it will be incremented).
    Private Sub TaktAdd()
    If TaktAnz > UBound(Takte) Then Exit Sub
    TaktAnz = TaktAnz + 1
    Takte(TaktAnz, 1) = ft.MotCntl.Position(1)
    Takte(TaktAnz, 2) = ft.MotCntl.Position(2)
    Takte(TaktAnz, 3) = ft.MotCntl.Position(3)
    Takte(TaktAnz, 4) = ft.MotCntl.Position(4)
    lblTaktAkt = TaktAnz
    End Sub
    The actual value of TaktAnz (number of steps) is displayed in Label lblTaktAkt. Steps only can be added at the end of the array.
  10. Clear the Takte array
    Private Sub TaktClear()
    TaktAnz = 1
    Takte(1, 1) = 0
    Takte(1, 2) = 0
    Takte(1, 3) = 0
    Takte(1, 4) = 0
    lblTaktAkt = TaktAnz
    End Sub
    The values 0 represent the home position as well.
    Call it with the new Button Löschen (Clear) (cmdClear_Click)
    Private Sub cmdClear_Click()
    End Sub
  11. Running to the learned positions
    Private Sub cmdRun_Click()
    Dim i&
    ft.NotHalt = False
    For i = 1 To TaktAnz
    If ft.MoveTo(Takte(i, 1), Takte(i, 2), Takte(i, 3), Takte(i, 4)) _
    = ftifehler Then Exit Sub
    lblTaktAkt = i
    Next i
    End Sub
    Start it with the new button Run (cmdRun_Click). ft.NotHalt is set to false to clear a pending end request. In For Next loop the method ft.MoveTo fetched the actual position values from the Takt array an runs it. If an error happens ore a manual ending request occurs (e.g. ESC.Key) the sub ends.
    That is (nearly all).
  12. The End
    Private Sub cmdHalt_Click()
    ft.NotHalt = True
    cmdHalt.Enabled = False
    cmdEnde.Enabled = True
    End Sub
    The new button HALT ends the joystick mode, rises an ending request and some button are enabled again. It is essential to end the program completely, otherwise only the form is unloaded but the loop is working always in the background.
  13. And : some additional display
    Private Sub PositionAkt()
    lblPos(0) = ft.MotCntl.Position(1)
    lblPos(1) = ft.MotCntl.Position(2)
    lblPos(2) = ft.MotCntl.Position(3)
    lblPos(3) = ft.MotCntl.Position(4)
    End Sub

    Private Sub ft_OnFishPosition()
    End Sub

    Private Sub jy_OnJoyPosition()
    End Sub

    The Sub PositionenAkt displays the actual position of the robot components counted in impulses. In is done with the event routines ft_OnFishPosition(FishFace) and jy_OnJoyPosition(FishJoy).

Now we are complete and you can start to a greater, nicer and more complicated own program.