
ftComputing : Programme für die fischertechnik-Interfaces und -konstruktionskästen

Displaying of analogous values

fischertechnik Computing Analog Control Task

Displaying of analogous values of EX/EY outputs of the fischertechnik interfaces. Can be used with temperature control of the starter pack (e.g.).

Asking for the values is easy : ft.Analogs(ftiAEX) (FishFa50.OCX) or ftiGetAnalog(0) (umFishEx respectively. But how to show them with an analogous instrument? 
Case 1 : Take a picture and look vor a needle. Mostly that will work, but what about variable size, varying printout. That lead to case 2 : draw it yourself, this case is discussed here. The sources for the project are in the package AnaInstr.ZIP. in addition you need FishFa50.ZIP or umFish.ZIP (if using umFishEx).




The Draw Sub : ShowDisplay

Private Sub ShowDisplay(ByVal aWert As Single)

' --- Zeichnen eines Analoginstrumentes und 
'     Eintrag des aktuellen Meßwertes

Const kStrich = 5, lStrich = 8, anzStriche = 21 Const sWinkel = 1.05, iRadius = 75
Const zRadius = 40, zStrich = 48, 
Const zBereich = 1000, zTeilung = 250
Dim dWinkel!, aWinkel!, sWert&, dText$
Dim a!, b!, c!, x!, y!, x1!, y1!, x2!, y2!, w!
Dim i&

picAnalog.Scale (-50, 100)-(50, 20)

' ---------- Minor Ticks ----------------------

aWinkel = sWinkel
dWinkel = sWinkel / (anzStriche - 1)
For i = 1 To anzStriche
x1 = Cos(aWinkel) * iRadius
y1 = Sin(aWinkel) * iRadius
x2 = x1 + Cos(aWinkel) * kStrich
y2 = y1 + Sin(aWinkel) * kStrich
picAnalog.Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2)
aWinkel = aWinkel + dWinkel
Next i

' ------------ Major Ticks -----------------
aWinkel = sWinkel
sWert = zBereich
dWinkel = sWinkel / ((anzStriche - 1) / 5)
For i = 1 To (anzStriche - 1) / 5 + 1
x1 = Cos(aWinkel) * iRadius
y1 = Sin(aWinkel) * iRadius
x2 = x1 + Cos(aWinkel) * lStrich
y2 = y1 + Sin(aWinkel) * lStrich
picAnalog.Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2)
picAnalog.CurrentX = x2 - 5
picAnalog.CurrentY = y2 + 10
picAnalog.Print sWert
aWinkel = aWinkel + dWinkel
sWert = sWert - zTeilung
Next i

' -------------- Analog Wert ------------------

aWinkel = sWinkel + ((zBereich - aWert) / zBereich) * sWinkel
x1 = Cos(aWinkel) * zRadius
y1 = Sin(aWinkel) * zRadius
x2 = x1 + Cos(aWinkel) * zStrich
y2 = y1 + Sin(aWinkel) * zStrich

' -------------- Digital Wert ------------------

picAnalog.Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), QBColor(12)
lblText.Caption = "AnalogWert : " & aWert
lblText.Left = 0 - lblText.Width / 2
lblText.Top = 32

End Sub

For the first view : no fischertechnik but a lot of school with Sin/Cos. But it is easier as it seems.

  1. In the first part Constants are defined, used in the draw part later on. Reason : Constanst can be changed more easy than values on different locations and they describe there content.
    KStrich/lStrich : length of the short/long scale lines
    anzStrich : number of scale lines
    sWinkel : scale angle in radiant (the scale is part of a circle)
    iRadius : inner radius of the scale
    zRadius : inner radius of the needle
    zStrich : length of the needle
    zBereich : display area (max value, start with 0)
    zTeilung : value for the major ticks
    dWinkel : delta angle (step from scale line to scale line)
    aWinkel : beginning angle ( !! all angles in radiant : Pi = 180°)
    sWert : act. scale value
    dText : act. scale value as string
  2. picAnalog.Cls
    the device consists out of an (empty) PictureBox (and lblText). Within the PictureBox the actual device is drawed (with each new value).
  3. picAnalog.Scale
    Defining the scale of the PictureBox. The drawing area is 100 x 100 units, the lower 20 in y direction are cut. The values for x are from -50 to +50, the y values are +20 to +100. The values of the constant refer to this scale units. The real size of the PictureBox is meaningless.
  4. Minor Ticks
    First the minor ticks are drawn - from right to left (sin/cos values are to handle easier in this case) one by one. From the inner side to the outer. The coodinates for the inner point (x1/y1) are counted first and then the outer by adding there length part. Cos(aWinkel)*iRadius computes the x value of the inner point ( base is the point 0,0, just beyond the PictureBox).
  5. Major Ticks
    Nearly the same, but a little bit longer. Each 5. scale line is drawn again. And its value is printed. The coodinates for the Print are set by CurrentX/CurrentY.
  6. Analog Wert
    Dawing the needle on the actual position. Therefore the analogous value (aWert) is transformed in an angle (radiant) as percentage of the zBereich. The needle is drawn like the scale lines but in red.
  7. Digital Wert
    To make it more exact, the aWert is converted to a numeric value and shown in the Label lblText. lblText will be positioned centered.

That was the bigger part. Looking for the analogous value to be displayed is easy, do it in a loop ending with ESC-Key :

The Display Loop cmdAction

Private Sub cmdAction_Click()

' --------- Anzeige Meßwert von EX ------------
' Abbruch : ESC-Taste oder E1 = True

ft.AnalogScan = True
ft.OpenInterface "COM1"
cmdEnde.Enabled = False
cmdAction.Enabled = False

ShowDisplay ft.Analogs(ftiAEY)
Loop Until ft.Finish(1)

ShowDisplay 0
cmdAction.Enabled = True
cmdEnde.Enabled = True

End Sub

The code above shows the version with FishFa50.OCX, the ZIP file also contains an umFish version (nearly the same change ft. to fti, drop ft.AnalogScan). Most of the code is for locking the button while the display loop is running. End with ESC-Key or E1 switch.

Possible Extensions

Possibly urgent :

picAnalog as parameter of ShowDisplay (ByVal picanalog As PictureBox) to show both EX and EY. In that case two PictureBoxed are placed on the form.

May by difficult :

Display the values given from the interface (0 - 1024) in a free choosable range. e.g. 0 - 100° C (what is that in Fahrenheit). Therefore some calculations must be done.

A take for specialists :

converting it to an OCX control (look AnaOCX, Visual Basic solution mapping of raw values included .... )