Thought to share.
Endlich (25.4.2011, 19:02:21)
In the last few days I thougt. But I don´t know what this model is. Can you help me? Sorry for my bad English.
In den letzten Tagen dachte ich nacht. Aber ich habe keine Ahnung was das für ein Modell ist. Kannst du mir helfen?
See you Endlich
heiko (27.4.2011, 23:17:11)
Copying/Drawing machine. Put a pen into one Baustein 15 mit Loch and start drawing. The other Baustein 15 mit Loch will have to follow. There’s one downside to the copying part: When one joint is fully extended, it can ‘choose’ in which direction to go next. Exploiting this, you can create a ‘waving’ motion of the machine. This will produce some beautiful drawings that I’m too lazy to imagine right now.
Ich hoffe, dein Englisch reicht … wenn nicht, übersetz ichs dir schnell im IRC :o)
Endlich (27.4.2011, 23:29:36)
Ah okey heiko thank you for your information. The translator helped me.
Stefan Falk (28.4.2011, 13:23:25)
I doubt that this machine will give 1-to-1 copies, as far as I can imagine the movements of the mechanics. Or will it?
Regards, Stefan